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Louise Chiasson
Affiliation - Links
All Music by Louise Chiasson | AKA Jazzy Pearls is
available on Bandcamp
CANADA is part of a collection of 3 patriotic songs & Music Videos - all about CANADA.
The French versions of the videos (Fall - Winter) & English version Spring / Summer Video) are currently available. All 3 version FR, EN & bilingual versions are available in AUDIO format.
The official videos for both the French and English versions of CANADA are available on YouTube @JazzyPearlsMusic along with KARAOKE versions.
This first album was written, produced and released in the late nineties and as a multi-disciplinary artist, performer and singer song-writer at heart, her artistic journney was always as colourful as it gets but her musical influences remain to this day; pop, jazz & latin.
Without proper distribution at the time, this project sealed with the blooms of a youthful pen was peacefully awaiting better times. Today’s music distribution models gave this somewhat “ 90’s vibe” album a second chance and led to a second project: “Ça coûte cher aller dans l’sud”.
The writing and production process for “Ça coûte cher aller dans l’sud” was a challenging journey as the artist wanted to put her arranging and production skills to the test. From sound engineering studies to working her way through long days and late nights, she fully committed to her studio time in order to self-produce this release.
“Quelques regrets sournois”, an adaption with lyrics of Glazunov’s Petit Adagio featured on this EP opened a new window. Forgotten melodies in need of a new lyrical breeze, timeless vintage music projects and sparkles of English standards are now part of the future, along with an extension of her name as “Jazzy Pearls”.
It is life is a musical acknowledgement of the “snow ball effect" that defines our daily lives, journeys, especially the ups and downs. Lyrically engaged, it's a response to the news, crisis, disasters & political games. It’s life in a jar of pickles, lived to the fullest, lost in a storm, a pandemic, or not. It’s life as it is now, a wonder as to how it could be “cleaned up”, yet the upcoming video is set to blend historical & current facts through a touch of domestic humour; the coping mechanism the artist deems necessary to portrait and cherish “life”.
“C’est la vie!”, c’est l’effet boule de neige en chanson, un regard sur le quotidien qui tourne bien ou mal, les pépins, les boulettes, les jambettes de la vie, les surprises du moments, heureuses ou tristes. C’est les nouvelles, les médias, l’histoire qui se déroule sous nos yeux, l’écoute, la confusion, la réplique, la création qui danse avec des petites perles d’humour, histoire de s’amuser un peu et de passer sainement à travers la vie.
The Bilingual version of CANADA is part of a collection of 3 patriotic songs & Music Videos - all about CANADA.
All 3 version FR, EN & bilingual versions are available in AUDIO format via BANDCAMP.
The official videos for both the French and English versions of CANADA are available on YouTube @JazzyPearlsMusic along with KARAOKE versions.